An allergy is where your body reacts to something that’s normally harmless. The symptoms can be mild, but for some people they can be very serious. Find out more below:
Young people with long-term and complex medical conditions might need ongoing support, medicines or care while at school/college to help them manage their condition and keep them well. Others might need monitoring and urgent help in emergency circumstances.
Health needs can change over time in ways that cannot always be predicted, sometimes leading to longer periods of time off school. This is why it’s important that young people feel confident to manage or be supported with their medical condition and feel safe. It is crucial that young people fully understand the advice from healthcare professionals, and feel listened to.
There are hundreds of medical conditions that people can have, so the links below may not cover your condition. Please visit the NHS website to find more information about your condition if you can’t see it below. There are also some links to information about how to help someone in an emergency for some common conditions.
Myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
An invisible disability is classified as a physical, mental, or neurological condition that you cannot see from the outside but can limit or challenge a person’s movements, senses, or activities. People usually assume disabilities are physical or can be seen, but many are not apparent. Find out more below:
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Bradford Local Offer – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities provision in Bradford
Good quality sleep is very important for physical health, emotional and mental development, and school performance. During the teenage years, getting good sleep benefits brain development and how well it works, which makes attention span, memory and cognitive abilities better. Find out more below: