2 – 2 ½ years contact - Better Lives Healthy Futures

2 – 2 ½ years contact

Age group:
You’ll see a member of the team when your child is between two and two and a half years old.

This review is about your child’s development and making sure you have access to the all the right health information you might need.

What happens at this visit?

Before we see you, we’ll ask you to complete two questionnaires called Ages and Stages (ASQ).  These give a good view of how your child is doing and help us look at any areas where they may need a little bit more support. There’s more information about the questionnaires below in the ‘Ages and Stages’ hot topic.

Your child may already be in a nursery, but if not, there are other ways that they can meet and play with other children and try new things. We might talk about nursery, playgroups and other ways for them to socialise and learn new things.

Before we see you – please complete your Ages and Stages questionnaires

You’ll also find the information below helpful as there’s a lot to think about as your child develops. At this age for example they may be getting ready to use a potty or start toilet training. Take a look at the topics and further information links below.

Your appointment

If you need to book or rearrange a visit, please contact the Health Visiting team on: 01274 221223

Here to support you

This may be our last formal appointment with you for your child, but we would encourage you to continue to use all the information and advice on these pages as your child develops.

Even though we may not be seeing you, please contact us on the numbers above if you do have any worries about your child’s health or development.

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Further information

Tiny Happy People

This BBC website offers a collection of learning activities and fun things to do with children aged two to three years.

Related topics

Ages and Stages Questionnaires

Your health visiting team will send you two questionnaires before your child's two year review appointment.
Age group:


There’s lots of research that shows the amazing speed a baby’s brain is developing.
Age group:


You might find your child’s behaviour difficult to deal with, there can be lots of different reasons for this.
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Play is not just fun, it helps young children to learn.
Age group:


Don’t forget the importance of safety which means seeing everything at your child’s level, giving them age appropriate toys, supervising them, removing dangers and items that could cause harm.
Age group:

Infant feeding

Feeding your baby in the right way for you both can help get your baby get off to the best start in life.
Age group:


There are many benefits to breastfeeding for both you and your baby and in the first few days you and your baby will still be getting to know each other.
Age group:

Immunisation and vaccinations

Immunisation is a way of protecting against serious infectious diseases.
Age group:

Home safety

There are lots of things that you can do at home to protect your family.
Age group:

Car seat safety

Shopping for a car seat can be an exciting time, there’s a lot to choose from but it’s nice to imagine taking your new baby home in it for the first time.
Age group:

Parent infant relationship

Your relationship with your baby starts much earlier than the first time you meet them.
Age group:


Vitamin D helps keep bones and teeth healthy. It is needed to absorb calcium from the diet.
Age group:

Nutrition and exercise

There’s lots of information about nutrition and exercise for adults or children
Age group: