There are many different devices to help you to take your baby out and about. Most are very safe, but it’s important to know what to buy and how to use these useful items.
Choose a baby sling that allows you to see your baby’s face at all times. Carry your baby upright and keep them close enough to kiss. It’s important to keep a newborn’s chin off their chest at all times. Because babies do not have strong neck control, their heads are more likely to flop forward.
Look for the safety standard when buying a pushchair or buggy. Read the instructions. Check brakes work correctly (lock, unlock, push). Be sure the pushchair/buggy is properly unfolded before you use it and keep little fingers away when you’re folding or unfolding.
Exercise caution if buying a second-hand pushchair. Make sure there’s no damage such as sharp edges or torn fabric that could hurt or choke your child. Check the product has not been recalled for safety reasons.
Keep your child harnessed at all times in a buggy or pushchair to stop them falling out. Don’t forget, babies should always travel flat on their backs until around six-months-old, when they are strong enough to support their heads themselves.
Overloading can be dangerous – don’t put coats and bags on top of the buggy as these can cause it to tip over. Handles are not for carrying shopping bags – these can also cause instability. If using a “buggy board” for older children to stand on while you push, please ensure that it is suitable for the buggy and fitted correctly
Choose the right car seat for your child’s height and weight, and ensure it is fitted properly (see further information below). If you’re in any doubt, ask for advice from a reputable supplier.
Always strap your child safely in their car seat before a journey. Even in a minor crash, children who aren’t strapped in could be thrown about inside the vehicle, or even through the window.
Search ‘safety’ or see the hot topics and further information sections below for more information on keeping your child safe.